The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast: Emotional Overwhelm During Arguments


If you feel like fights with your husband always end painfully and all you want is to be able to get through arguments faster, more effectively, and actually be able to come up with resolutions that work for both of you, it could be because one or both of you are having trouble responding rather than reacting.

When you react, it's because you have your guard up which can make it challenging to say what you mean and do things that will bring you two closer and embody the qualities of a couple who love and support each other because you're more focused on protecting your heart.

In this week's episode of The Marriage & Motherhood Podcast, I share:

  • What's going on when you're feeling emotionally overwhelmed during arguments with your husband
  • What it looks like when your nervous system is dysregulated
  • How feeling dysregulated impacts your marriage
  • The Embodied Wife and The F.E.E.L. Method

 Listen here and remember to subscribe, leave a review, and share it if you loved this episode! 💗

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