Ep. 2 - Why Marriage is Hard After Kids



Why is marriage so hard when you have kids? 

Relationships are hard in general. We're all walking around with all these different ideas of what it takes to be in a relationship, what we think is normal, and what we think is healthy. Sometimes we think both are the same. We grew up with our parent's marriage being the prime example of what we think it means to be in a relationship. How do they love each other? How do they show that? How affectionate were they with each other? How do they communicate with each other? How do they handle conflict? How do they prioritize each other? How did they communicate with you? How did they handle conflict with you? How did they react to you when you were expressing your emotions? Like when you were crying a lot, when you were angry, or when you were frustrated? What about when you were happy? Were you even allowed to express your emotions outside of happiness? Personally, my parents were not comfortable with emotions....

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Ep. 1 My Story


Welcome to my podcast! I can't believe it! But I've actually been talking about starting this podcast for over a year now. And it just feels so surreal and exciting for it to finally be out in the world. And I'm so grateful you're here spending time with me.

My name is Michelle Purta. And I'm a Life and Marriage Coach for moms. And I want to use this episode to share more about me and why I do what I do and why I created this podcast.

So I am a woman, a wife, a stepmom, and a mom. We live out in California, in the Bay Area right outside of San Francisco. We have a blended family, so my oldest is my husband's son from a different relationship and we have two kids of our own. So right now as we speak, my oldest is twelve. My middle child will be six later this year. My youngest will be two next month and we also have two bunnies.

Now, why am I a Life and Marriage Coach for moms? Of all the things that I can do, why am I this?

Well, the short answer is, I want you...

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5 Questions To Go From
Conflict To Connection

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